Researching Military Ancestors

Researching Military Ancestors

Tonight’s talk will help you find out about military ancestors.

Family legends say an ancestor fought in a war.  But which war, and what can I discover about him?  And where do I have to go to get this information?  Will I understand it; and is it free? 

A few basics are briefly covered for any beginners into mainly, military history research. And then, the most useful and easily located military records are examined.  Although primarily covering the various surviving documents for service personnel and other relevant information of the First World War, it also touches on other conflicts.

Sharp pencils and a notebook are recommended for this talk.

photo credit: David James Green ©


Event Information

Event Date 09-08-2023 7:30 pm
Event End Date 09-08-2023 9:00 pm
Speaker Geoff Bridger
Open to Non members